Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Should Be Included in Student Samples?

What Should Be Included in Student Samples?A lot of A.P.L.E. schools prefer their students to get complete work done through class time so that they can learn more about what they want to do at a higher level. This works best for younger students and for the students who do not have a lot of knowledge about the subject matter but are willing to learn. The students should also consider the A.P.L.E. culture as they are required to learn more and write more by working with their peers. They are taught in an environment where they can develop good teamwork skills which help them to reach their maximum potential in the subject matter.A.P.L.E. schools normally provide their students with student samples to improve their writing skills. These samples are often hand drawn by the teachers and are used to assist students in formulating the topics in the essay. They could be anything from a particular poem to a short story. These types of samples are usually considered perfect for enhancing the student's ability to write and to produce persuasive essays.One advantage of using these samples is that it gives the students ideas about how they could add or modify the sample work to suit their needs. In fact this type of essay can be used as an assessment tool to ensure that the student has a good grasp of the material. They can also be used in order to better understand the style and content in the sample work.These sample essays should not be used to revise what has already been written by the student. It should be used to enhance the reading comprehension skills and to enable the student to work on their understanding of the material. The best thing about these samples is that it enables the student to work on their own learning styles so that they can be able to produce excellent writing, without having to force the issue.These sample essays help students to bring together the important concepts and ideas in their essays and also to look at the more complex concepts and to really make them work in their favor. A.P.L.E. students will find it easy to understand the sample work when compared to the course assignments.Another advantage of the student samples is that they allow students to have a better understanding of what the teacher expects of them. The essays that are written using these samples usually are not about the subject matter but more about the writer's own personal opinions. They are usually designed to help the student express his or her own ideas and to work towards the final exam.A.P.L.E. schools prefer student samples over full time work because they know that students would need to take some time off to do the homework and get through the regular course material. They feel that these types of essays will help them work through the subject matter more effectively. This also helps the student get more writing practice before the actual class time.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Comparative Scriptures The Bible And The Quran - 836 Words

Comparative Scriptures: the Bible and the Quran The Bible and the Quran are two of the most well recognized and significant religious books across the world. They contain a plethora of similar principles and recounts, however, comprise of a great sum of differences. The first sections of the Bible, recognized as the Old Testament, consists of books of the Hebrew Bible, or Torah. The Quran is the main religious text of Islam. Muslims believe it to be a message from God, the Allah, to humanity. In general, differences between stories the two books often stems from dissimilarities between the books themselves. In relation to the story â€Å"Moses in Egypt,† the Bible and Quran incorporate a plethora of resemblances and distinctions. The bible begins the story â€Å"Moses in Egypt† by introducing the upright, sons of God, who traveled to Egypt. These names include Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. In contrast, th e Quran begins the story by introducing Pharaoh. Pharaoh has a negative reputation for his wrongdoings and flaunts his pleasure in the hardship he has presented upon the people of the land. Simply within the introduction of the stories, positive and negative connotations are discharged. The bible begins with a simple introduction of good characters, where as, the Quran begins its tale with a dreadful protagonist. Following the introduction, the Bible continues by explaining that all newborn boys must be killed, whileShow MoreRelatedCompassion, Defined By Three Faiths Essay1835 Words   |  8 Pagesconflicts, to master our divine purpose, the betterment of humanity and nature. The three Abrahamic faiths, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, among other religions, exemplify the qualities of compassion and love clearly reflecting these ideas in their scriptures and teachings. In fact, if one delves deep into any religious philosophy or teaching, he/she will find that all strive to promot e peace, tolerance, and compassion between one another. However, in our modern world, these teachings have been twistedRead MoreConsequence of Religious Tolerance/Intolorance2553 Words   |  11 Pagesreligion may be different depending on who is answering the question. For this paper the definition of tolerance is simply put freedom according to www.apologeticsindex.org a religious organization website formed to encourage Christians to study the Bible in order to defend Christianity while providing resources for the non-believers to compare it to other religious allegations in order to make the right decision concerning what they believe. Christians have an obligation to be sure not to offend anyoneRead MoreReligions Justice was Introduced with the Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions2878 Words   |  12 Pagesrecover from their fallen state. The flip side of God’s love for Christians is the concept of the â€Å"wrath of God†. Some Christians interpret the wrath of God as God observing and punishing those who do not obey his laws, as happens numerous times in the Bible. Other Christians interpret the wrath of God in a more philosophical manner. These Christians believe that God ordered the universe in particular manner and then gave humanity a guide on how to achieve happiness in His universe. The wrath of GodRead MorePhilosophy of Man8521 Words   |  35 Pageswell that man in the pre-literate and primitive societies has neither state nor politics. Aristotle’s definition of man as a social animal, very sadly, casts a slur on his otherwise well-established reputation as â€Å"the founder of a systematic and comparative Zoology†. Sociability cannot be said to be the real hallmark of man to distinguish him from the animals. Some of the animals, at quite a lower rung of the evolutionary ladde r, manifest as much sociability in their behaviour as man. The social insectsRead MoreA Letter to His Parent by Jose Rizal4223 Words   |  17 Pages____________________ 5. Funny ____________________ 6. Sharp _____________________ 7. Fresh _______________________ 8. Exit ________________________ 9. Bake _________________________ 10. Awake ___________________________ Positive Comparative Superlative 1. Pretty ______________ ________________ 2. Attractive ______________ ________________ 3. Short ______________ ________________ 4. Noisy ______________ ________________ 5. Thin ______________

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How We Can Learn from Fictional Characters - 1036 Words

How We Can Learn From Fictional Characters A Lesson in Real Life This paper will apply several learned throughout the semester and relate them to the movies ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and ‘A Few Good Men’. 2010 Shahidah Oliver Peirce College 1/1/2010 Table of Contents Synopsis of the film ‘A Few Good Men’3 Followership in ‘A Few Good Men’3 Abuse of Power in ‘A Few Good Men’4 Moral Decision Making4 Altruism5 Shadow Casters†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 ‘A Few Good Men’ This movie deals with the code and honor system of the some soldiers in the United States Marines. A young soldier, PFC Santiago, is killed while two other soldiers are supposed to be administering what it called a Code Red. A†¦show more content†¦That would be a valuable lesson that neither soldier would forget to soon. Altruism This term, usually associated with the phrase’ â€Å"Love thy neighbor†, I felt was also loosely intertwined in the film. One benefit of altruistic behavior directed to benefit groups is team building (Johnson 155). Of the United States four divisions of military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines), the Marines are the only to be named in the plural tense. Not to say that the other divisions do not rank team work very high, the Marines are more so â€Å"conditioned† than just â€Å"serving† in the military. They are a team, for better or worse and blindly so. The Marines involved did what they did to better strengthen the core (or so they thought). Their â€Å"neighbor† was the core and they loved it, so much so that it leads to a murder and conspiracy to cover it up. Shadow Casters â€Å"Darkness is most likely to get a â€Å"hold† when you are safely settled in the good and righteous position, where nothing can assail you. When you are absolutely right is the most dangerous position of all, because, most probably, the devil has already got you by the throat.† -Psychotherapist Edward Edinger This film had many shadow casters within it, from the prosecuting attorneys, to ‘Cruise’ when he was willing to just take the deal, to the two soldiers who were unaware of the repercussions of their actions. In spite of these characters, I will write mostly about ‘Nicholson’ andShow MoreRelatedComparative Narrative1386 Words   |  6 Pagesis a time to take a break, a vacation from the everyday hum-drum life. It is a time for him or her to escape what he or she knows to experience and view life through another’s eyes. For one who truly enjoys this pastime, it does not matter what the genre is. Whether short fictional tales or non-fiction stories. Whether poetry or essays the reader escapes through reading. This paper will compare the elements of narrative in two fictional and two non-fictional works, exploring such areas as the credibilityRead MoreKingsolver s The Poisonwood Bible1161 Words   |  5 PagesBarbara Kingsolver’s novel, The Poiso nwood Bible, is about a missionary family, the Prices, who move from Bethlehem, Georgia to a small village in the Congo. They choose to move during a time when there is great upheaval about to happen in the region. The reader learns about their trials and tribulations of life in the Congo through the five Price females, who talk about the events from their own the points of view. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Loop And Recorded Myself Reading English Literature Essay free essay sample

While composing this paper, I wasnt precisely certain what to state like with most documents. As I wrote this essay, I played Adeles vocal on a cringle and recorded myself reading Lord Byron s verse form. I listened to the two dorsum to dorsum and closed my eyes before I started composing. I focused on the words, what they said and what I envisioned and so I wrote. While composing this paper I did happen it hard to stress where I feel poesy and music convergence. I think if anything it would be great to acquire back some feedback on how strengthen my statement. Often times I know what I want to state, but I find it hard to portion my ideas in a compendious mode. Traveling frontward, I would love to compose a strong narrative or poesy that evokes strong emotions as many of my favourite vocals do. Music and poetry-there are some who see them as overlapping manners and others who see them as complete antonyms. Yet if we truly looked at the two-the manner they are created, how they are inspired, or even how they are received-music and poesy do nt truly look that different from each other. They could be inspired by a great love, a awful grief, a scene in the park or a bleached old memory. They can be written in complete purdah and isolation as the remainder of the universe moves on exterior of the window. They can be written in the bunco of a java store amidst the pandemonium of a crowd. They can be written as secrets, go forthing them unfastened for reading to the universe. They can be written as equivocal narratives, go forthing it to the universe to compose the stoping. The inspiration behind a vocal or a verse form may be really personal and alone, but the emotions are anything but. They speak to us ; though our state of affairs or experience may be different the emotions could be indistinguishable. Or possibly a vocal speaks to a individual merely because the words are beautiful, inspi rational, and paint a beautiful image. Many of us do non see a topographic point for poesy in our lives. So many of us have a heard a vocal and merely fallen in love with the wordss. We do nt believe that what we love is a signifier of poesy, when in fact it is. The Oxford Dictionary defines poesy as such, an art signifier in which the look of feelings and thoughts is given strength by peculiar attending to enunciation ( sometimes affecting rime ) , beat, and imagination. The Oxford Dictionary besides defines music as such, the art signifier of vocal or instrumental sounds ( or both ) combined in such a manner as to bring forth beauty of signifier, harmoniousness, beat, and look of emotion. Although the definitions are a small different, they overlap. Both focal point on the look of emotion, the beat of words, and above all see music and poesy as an art signifier. There are many modern twenty-four hours vocals that are comparable to some of better known verse forms of the twentieth century. Although the linguistic communication or sentence structure might be a spot different between a vocal and verse form, the sentiment behind the words whether the piece is modern or non is really much the same. Arguably one of the most celebrated and beloved break-up vocal creative persons of the current twenty-four hours is Adele. Though one might state it is her unbelievable voice that sells her music, I think it s truly the beauty of her words that people connect to. Take for case her vocal, Person Life You, though she is talking about her ain life, the vocal is relatable for anyone who has experienced grief. Listen to her vocal and shut your eyes, take in her words. Do non concentrate on who is stating it but what is being said. More frequently than non, an image will organize. Listening to Adele s vocal, there are many things one would see. In the center of a helter-skelter universe is a twosome that embark on a blaze love affair in their young person, yet as they got older they went their separate ways. Possibly, they portion a promise that no affair what they will happen each other once more and compose the 2nd act of their love affair. However, she hears that he has moved on and found person else. She sees that she has lost out on something ; she still has feelings for him and hopes that deep down in his bosom he has feelings for her excessively. She likely ran through what could go on when run intoing him once more in her caput over and over againaˆÂ ¦would he open the door and have that twinkle in his eyes, take her into his weaponries and keep her forever? Unfortunately, she will neer cognize. He has found his new love and life, while she is still populating in the past, trusting for something that could neer go on. Although she feels like he has changed, Old friend, why are you so diffident? Ai nt like you to keep back or fell from the visible radiation. She feels that he is nt like he used to be, that his new love has changed him. She feels that one twenty-four hours, she will happen another true love, and she will hold her minute of candent felicity. However, she besides hopes that he will retrieve her like she remembers him, sometimes, possib ly the odor of her aroma, a topographic point they have shared or merely the manner the twenty-four hours feels every bit long as he remembers and smiles she will be happy. The vocal may be written by Adele, but it is non a alone narrative. Unrequited love, grief, etc. they all go manus in manus with love. One can reason that without one we can non truly know the other. And no 1 knows this better than a poet. For they have, throughout, history written of their hurting and sorrow over the loss of their love. Lord Byron s verse form When we Two Parted portions a similar history or background as Adele s vocal. The verse form is besides written by a sorrowing person who has lost the individual he loves. The verse form begins with the black tone of desperation which will qualify the full work. Immediately the reader is introduced to the talker s silence and cryings ( line 2 ) upon the dissolution. Her ain reaction is to turn cold-the physical description of her cheek as cold and pale intimations at illness, but her colder buss ( line 6 ) implies an emotional withdrawal turning from the really minute of their farewell, which Byron finds intolerable. He sees her immediate response and his ain emotional reaction at the clip as a omen of the hereafter ( the nowadays of the verse form ) as that hr foretold / Sorrow, which would make from the yesteryear to today. The imagination of coldness carries over from the terminal of the first stanza into the beginning of the 2nd stanza with the chilly dew upon Byron s forehead, proposing his ain emotional withdrawal, but besides naming to mind the cold perspiration from which 1 might wake after a peculiarly harrowing incubus. He awakens into a universe still every bit desolate as the 1 he ended the old dark. He therefore turns his attending to his beloved s evident unfaithfulness to him. Her vows are all broken ( line 13 ) , connoting she had made some promises to Byron despite the clandestine and illicit nature of their matter, and farther proposing Lady Frances disgraceful relationship. The talker notes that her celebrity is now light -without weight or guilt and easy blown about-yet there should be shame in the speech production of her name because of him, which he at least will experience for them both ( lines 14-16 ) . The dear s tarnished name carries over into the 3rd stanza, as Byron compares hearing her name spoken by foreigners to the knell of a heavy bell-like a church bell tolling a funeral. He shudders when he hears her name, bespeaking that he can non agitate the power of their relationship. He ends the verse form foretelling his reaction at some future meeting old ages subsequently: how would he recognize her? Again there would be silence, but besides unhappiness: silence and cryings ( line 32 ) . His hurting will non decrease, nor his sense of being wronged by her actions, even after many old ages. The repeat of silence and cryings at the beginning and terminal of the verse form denotes the poet s inability to go forth his minute of hurting behind. He is trapped in a province of sorrowing a lost love. It is all the more hurtful that he lost her to another adult male and all he can offer her is that he will protect her individuality by sorrowing entirely. Both Adele s vocal and Lord Byron s poem speak of grief and the heartache felt by person as they come to footings with the loss of the 1 they love. They were inspired by different narratives, but those narratives evoked really similar emotions. Merely as, though one is a vocal and one is a poem their similarities overshadow their differences. I have frequently felt that poesy and music are really similar in several different ways. Both art signifiers have the ability to capture a individual experience or minute in clip in a really splanchnic manner. Poetry and music are every bit near as humanity comes to a direct look of the psyche. Poetry and music both strive to show an experience every bit straight as possible. The end of a poet and a musician frequently involves imparting experience in a really immediate and splanchnic manner. In many ways, music is an enterprise designed to give look to the deepest human feelings and experiences. It is an abstract art in its construction but re ally concrete in footings of its impact. There are besides many who believe, as I, that music is a new signifier of poesy. That does non intend that poesy is non still alive and good, and by all agencies, relevant. All that it genuinely means is that music has a manner of presenting the poetic art signifier of words to people that usually would nt be affected by a poetic poetry. There is a ground, beyond the simple want for newness, for new signifiers. After a certain clip, a poetic signifier, slightly like a manner of dancing or painting or a manner of dressing, begins to hold a period ambiance, which adds a certain sort of significance to the verse form. Immediately, whether intended or non, it says, I am a traditional signifier, and in being so I invite you to see the past clip that used me, every bit good as the more ordered position of life that my signifier represents. A sonnet can no longer be merely what it says any more than a Renaissance costume can be merely a smart o utfit. This does nt intend good sonnets ca nt be written in our clip, but that when they are written they are likely to hold an extra sound and sense due to their history. Poetry and vocal are composings that are similar in nature. Poetry is a aggregation of words that need non be set to music, whereas a vocal is a composing that can be sung on a peculiar piece of music. While poesy can besides be set to music and Sung like a vocal, there are basic differences between a vocal and poesy that are non evident to common people besides music. Both music and poesy have something in common with many other art signifier, they are all basically methods of look. What I love about look is that it reveals the differences between people s perceptual experience, and in the instance of art, figuratively or tastily. Poetry captures what can non be understood or conveyed in prose, as sheet music or performed music provides a greater message than prose. Poetry and music are at the centre of civilization and history, inseparable from the millions of lives that have participated in it. Both are the most powerful ways known to adult male of affecting emotion upon the head. As German writer, Jean Paul one time said, Music is the poesy of the air.